Discovering Flaws + Unburdening The Shoulders

Thank you so much for being here. This e-mail contains three things:

1. Therapeutic movement guidance

2. An insight you can apply somewhere in your life

3. A personal reflection / update

1. Releasing the burden *through* your shoulders

12-minute mini lesson to help you...

  1. Reduce chronic tension in the shoulders and neck

  2. Feel lighter and more effortless in the movements

  3. Get a stronger sense of "drive" through the whole body from feet to hands

Due to the emphasis on training parts of the body, rather than integrating the whole, we often get caught up thinking about "training the shoulders".

But you can have sexy, strong, open shoulders without obsessing on the joint itself.

And in my opinion, the body functions best when we see the shoulder as a main link between the hands and the torso, and focus on that function instead of fixating on specific muscles. The benefits I've seen to this more "integrated" approach go beyond the physical. There seem to be subtle energetic benefits too. By playing with releasing my shoulders more often, I have felt lighter emotionally too.

Now obviously, in certain movements, the shoulders will fatigue, and that's fine. But if you're training the shoulders as conduits of force, and not only pump them into oblivion, then keeping the focus on moving through the shoulders is the way. So, when pressing, pulling or holding a position, focus on the torso and the hands, and let the shoulders be the conduit.

For more detail, watch the video.
The vibe is "qi-gong meets strength training".

2. Discovering (becoming aware of) flaws

"What's your perspective on feeling flawed, or discovering flaws in a relationship?

The flaws are the nectar for new love - in the moment of noticing the flaw, you simultaneously have an invitation towards forgiveness. The flaw doesn't need forgiveness. You do, for seeing it as a flaw.

Any form of love which does not celebrate the presence of flaws is not really love at all, but rather a way of punishing life for expressing itself. This can be a heavy realisation to have. Take it lightly and love that too. It's part of the human condition to see and peel back these layers.

I often wonder if original sin represents judgemental self-awareness mistaken for wisdom.

You can look at a characteristic in yourself, or another, and see a mistake (which would be short-sighted)...
Or you can see all beings as artworks, and acknowledge the course life has taken in order to create that art.

Art is honest. Art is raw. Art is real and makes no excuses. Art pisses people off, as often as it opens people's hearts. Life is like art. It must be exactly as it is, because that's just how it came out. You don't have to like it. If the audience's approval were a condition for creativity, then true creativity would cease to exist.

We all have the right to judge, but we are only judging ourselves. The idea that life's passage of creation is flawed or mistaken is absurd to me... And I think that much of what seems flawed or mistaken actually comes as the product of stale belief systems or perspectives, not as innate facts.

Flaws ground us in the humble perspective of God seeing the world through stained-glass eyes. That you see these things as flaws is your only flaw.

3. I have a new perspective on what is most valuable to teach

It's not how hard I work, or how fancy my creations may seem...
It's how honestly and sincerely I show up as a teacher.

I've spent a lot of my life trying to be "enough" for others (and for myself, because I internalised this "never enough" perspective).

And so, I've created many things from a space of urgency, lack and need for validation... which is okay/common, but not what I want anymore. The more I release this state of being, the more I realise how many layers there have been.

Because in needing to be accepted by my audience, or students, I was unconsciously teaching this pattern via behavioural modelling. Never mind the "content" - lack was the energy. Maybe I could bullshit others, but I couldn't bullshit myself. I knew. I was just afraid.

Facts, tools, practices... They can all be useful to people. But when the energetic / emotional signature is off, the practices are misused and misunderstood.

I can no longer create from the space I used to operate from, and I no longer need the same external validation. I am not who I was, and I have often told myself the lie "you need to be consistent with who you were, because the emerging you is not worthy of love + success."

So, I can keep competing with my previous outputs, and keep climbing that ladder to escape the feeling of inadequacy. And this may reward me financially.

But what feels rarer, and more valuable, and honestly, more useful, is to allow people to see me for more of who I am - as well as what I create.

Because in the world we're living in and ever moving towards, essence and originality are golden, and more-of-the-same output will be easily imitated and artificially augmented. There are a million copy-cats, and few people willing to be seen as weirdos.

But sometimes, weird and inconsistent is the medicine we need in order to be shaken from our crusty comfort zones and into new growth. Leaders don't wait for others to approve. They see what is needed and they move forward, because it's time.

I won't chase output for output's sake anymore.
I won't keep up with algorithms or chase "followers".
I will say what I feel needs to be said, when it needs to be said, and I'll do it in a way that is fun.
If that results in exposure, great. If it doesn't, great.
I will not rush myself, or do things the way I have before, just because they "got results".
The results I want now are more ambitious. The level of integrity there must be in my work is higher.

The result I'm chasing is an impeccable process.

I will lean away from speaking for the sake of making noise and creating from fear of irrelevancy.

"Contributing to the conversation" and yapping to get attention are not the same.

I will love my life and selfishly hoard my quiet, unrecorded moments. I will fail or succeed in unknown battles, games and dances and tell nobody.

I will pivot when I need to, and I will continue to lean into closeness and honesty in honouring those I am in relationship with (in all capacities) rather than chasing flattery.

I will go a level deeper than I have before, into the crux of what makes us human. Sharing specific and practical knowledge around movement, emotions, mind and relationships of course... but with the big picture in mind - not shying away from big questions on death, birth, purpose, honesty, messiness.

I want to meet myself at this level, and venture into new realms with those who are also seeking this.

I will not speak to fill space, or justify my worth, because that is manipulative and doesn't come from a place of giving.

I will speak when I have something to say, and I will say it with my whole heart, and then allow there to be silence.

Does this resonate?

Let me know.

Also, if you want to grow together within a small group of rarely unapologetic, brave, heart-led humans so you can share your specific knowledge with others in a more potent way, ask about the next Baseline Cohort starting August.

- Jack


Disregard Everything But These 3 Things


This One’s A Banger!