I’m only here to help you with the bitchiest problems

💀 Trying to reverse physical pain or recurring injuries — while navigating shitty advice.
🚫 Struggling to escape mental stuck-ness + old patterns — alone (books were my only friend).
😔 At times, barely surviving overwhelm, grief and draining relationships (that feeling of swimming against a whirlpool hoping not to be sucked in beyond the point of no return).

These things almost crushed me — and I had luck on my side

When I look back, I have no idea how I coped so well despite having no fucking system at all.

I’ve known friends who weren’t so lucky. Smart, driven and outwardly radiant people who left us in their early twenties because they couldn’t see a pathway forward.

Even with his brilliance and material success, Dad died with the burden of unhealed relationships.
Even with his drive, love and intelligence, my brother had to grieve his life over the course of a year while dying of cancer.

There is a theme here. These are not isolated events.

When we are highly developed in one domain of life and underdeveloped in other key areas, we suffer. And it’s never the little things that get us — it’s the big things that unconsciously go neglected for too long: our bodies, our minds and our key (identity forming) relationships.

The chain of cause and effect begins before we are born, and affects everyone around us. Sure, we may start out pure, but none of us gets a clean slate.

Our job is to reconcile our past with our present. To be honest with ourselves. To become whole.
Only from that state can we create a future which liberates, rather than limits us.

The real problems aren’t the pains and injuries, nor the mental struggles or the relationship challenges. These are more like symptoms which can become fertiliser, prompting us to redirect and evolve towards our potential.

The problem is fragmentation: losing important parts of yourself during the journey of life.
The solution is wholeness: finding oneself again, and transforming every piece of our story into something beautiful.

The way you live right now matters more than you know.
Do not be clouded by fear, or lose yourself in the downward spiral.
The best gift you can give to others is to live a harmonious, creative, fulfilled life.

Here’s what I know is possible for you

🐆 To move joyfully, with relaxed, animalistic power and connectivity
🌀 To learn, adapt and form new habits faster, while enjoying a quiet, peaceful mind
🌞 To emotionally revitalise while transforming the way people interact with you


In a distracted society, the ability to remain embodied is rare, beautiful and more vital than ever.

While the intellect is useful for certain things, it is also subject to delusion. The body acts as an honest guide, anchoring the mind in what is life-giving rather than degenerative.

To seek ATTUNEMENT is to build the physical, mental and emotional capacity to remain open, receptive and aware — to have the vitality to act upon what matters most, rather than folding on one’s values and seeking to escape from life.

  • True safety comes from being able to self-regulate, to release emotion and recover quickly from stress.

  • Your body is your vessel — built it so that it can carry you through the experiences you want most.

  • Giving you the practices to transform your mind from a cruel master into the most powerful friend.


GATEWAY is a program to help you build the foundations for a lifetime of relaxed power, by integrating the three pillars of BREATH, POSTURE and GAIT in your training practice.



Train the whole body, anywhere.
All you need is a set of rings.