Raise your BASELINE

Baseline is a step-by-step system to renew achey, restricted bodies — helping you feel vital, relaxed and powerful so you can create and contribute at the highest level.

“Working through the Baseline system with Jack has opened my awareness to a new depth of experience in movement, and sharpened my ear for the body’s feedback that has always been there yet rarely heard.”

— Matt Higgins

The Baseline System Solves 3 Problems

  • Achey lower back? Constantly feeling tight and needing to be stretched, only to tighten up again? Even small, odd twisting movements feel off sometimes? You need to learn how to manage intra abdominal pressure to support your spine.

    Tight chest and a stiff thoracic spine? I bet you haven’t been moving your ribcage enough. Not feeling safe rounding or extending your spine under load? You need some diaphragmatic training — not more belly breathing.

    Tight neck and upper traps? Your upper ribs probably aren’t expanding enough when you breathe. No dramas, Baseline has you covered.

  • Tight neck and upper traps? Your upper ribs probably aren’t expanding enough when you breathe. You probably have tight calves and haven’t given your feet much love either, which is important, because relaxed posture comes from steady foundations. dramas, Baseline has you covered.

    Constantly trying to massage or stretch the same spots open, with little permanent progress? Baseline has clever ways to get you unstuck.

    You’ll learn postural reset practices to regain your suppleness like a sponge in warm water and feel new again.

  • Parts of your body feeling disconnected, weak, jammed up or uncoordinated? Training or yoga not delivering the supple, graceful power you’d hoped?

    It’s not you — it’s the externally focused cues you’ve been given. Baseline will help you find and train your body’s innate elasticity for effortless power when you walk, run, kick, swim, climb, throw, fight, dance and explore.

    It’s your ability to sense and relax while you move that lets your body do it’s thing. We’ll teach you the best positions and alignments to develop this rhythmic, connected movement.

Why I created BASELINE

It all started with my own frustrating journey with 5 years of chronic back pain, hernias, hip surgery, shoulder issues and knee issues.

Well over $10,000 in surgeries, years of missed activity, strained relationships and endless appointments with ”professionals” that left me feeling even more depressed and hopeless.

I thought I had a solid base of strength, with a background in lifting, PT and yoga, but it turned out I’d never actually been taught the core principles of healthy, efficient and powerful movement.

And I’d been coaching full time since 2015 — so I knew that if it had taken me this long to find a system that worked, most people would be left hoping guessing.

So I shifted my focus and started to distill everything I’d learned into a step-by-step process anyone could follow to rebuild their body in weeks, not years.

How it works


You’ll learn to support your nervous system and induce the ideal state of being to dissolve pain and invite adaptation. Often, it’s not the actually painful area causing the issue — it’s that your system as a whole is struggling to adapt.


Next, you’ll develop the foundations of efficient balance, breathing and posture, to dissolve restriction and immobility from the deepest layers of your core → outward. You’ll feel more grounded, relaxed, aligned and energised.


You’ll apply your new body awareness as you sense and activate powerful, elastic lines of connection through the body. You’ll manage rhythm, gravity and tension to overcome clunkiness, feeling connected and animalistic.


Right now

Signing up for the waitlist now means you’ll receive the BASELINE Guide (free) as soon as it’s ready. You’ll start making progress straight away, in just two 10 minute sessions, twice a day.

Later this month

If you’re on the waitlist, you’ll be invited to apply for coaching. If you’re seeking deep transformation in the shortest timeframe, the accountability and expertise of live coaching guarantees success.