Welcome to BASELINE.
Live Call Schedule
We’ll use the same link for all calls:
Group A
Starts Tuesday April 30th 10AM AEST
(MON afternoon-evening in USA / CAN)
Brittany Fowler
Tom Fenney
Cassie Meyers
Group C
Starts Wednesday 1st May 10AM AEST
(TUE afternoon-evening in USA / CAN)
Megan Robertson
Rani Shah Lawson
Adam Rothschild
Calvin Knor
Group B
Starts Tuesday April 30th 4PM AEST
(Tuesday morning in UK / Europe)
Paul Guy
Hayden Ross Schultz
Mike Hind
Group D
Starts Friday 3rd May 10AM AEST
(THU afternoon-evening in USA / CAN)
Matt Higgins
Tam Nguyen
James Linton
Chris Eddy
What we value most here…
A group environment easily has the potential to provide more value than a 1-1 setting… but there are a few key factors that make all the difference.
My habit was always to shy away from groups, but then I found my people. Suddenly I realised that I wasn’t as introverted as I’d thought, I just found it hard to trust people whose fundamental values didn’t align with mine.
That’s what makes this group so beautiful. We share the same values at a core level.
Caring for the quality of your own experience AND the experiences of those around you, so that we can all thrive simultaneously.
This one can be scary. I used to think that being “nice” was kind… then I realised that allowing my messiness to be seen was incredibly liberating — both for myself, and for others. Honesty is always the kindest way, long term.
When you’re compassionate and honest (with yourself and others), it’s so much easier to follow through on what you believe is right. Integrity helps you trust in yourself, and attract what you want most in life.
9 Weeks of Course Content
Each week, a pre-recorded video lesson will drop, based on the course outline you’ll find here. You’ll watch this video to familiarise yourself with discussion topics before our calls. This allows us to use calls to answer questions + go deep.
Weekly Live Coaching Calls
These calls exist to help you troubleshoot and optimise your practice. Everyone will connect with the course material in a slightly different way — I want to help you adapt it to your unique circumstances.
Supportive + Committed Friends
You’ll be moving through the program with a small group. These are your buddies — here to offer love, accountability and support. Connecting rather than withdrawing as we navigate roadblocks allows quantum leaps in our growth.