Preparing for your 30 minute Strategy Session

There are three things we’ll focus on in this call:

  1. Future — the results you’re looking for
    Getting crystal clear on both your specific external goals, and your internal feeling-based goals, so we can create an approach that fits.

  2. Now — meeting you where you are
    Assessing your current life situation so we can get a big-picture overview of what energy levels, resources and support systems you have in place.

  3. Past — preventing past obstacles from recurring
    Identifying what you’ve struggled with in the past to proactively solve potential roadblocks, so we can invest energy + attention wisely.

The better we understand your context now, the faster the progress will be later.

This is a loose framework to help make the session as valuable as possible, but if there’s anything important that you want to discuss, just stop me during the call and we’ll cover it.

This call can go two directions:

  1. focused and really useful, leaving you with actionable steps + strategy

  2. interesting but less relevant, leaving us less time for actionable strategy

I want this to be really useful for you — so if the conversation starts to get less relevant, I’ll help us redirect towards what is most focused and useful for us.

Speak to you soon,
