Being is giving
You will never give more by being less than yourself.
Nobody wins when you shrink yourself to fit. In a world chasing belonging, validation and worthiness, be a beacon of arrival.
A finder, not only a seeker.
In a world anxiously juggling obligations and reputations, be a tree with roots as magnificent as your foliage.
Yes, drink from the soil, and breathe the sky, wherever you are.
Home is where the soles of your feet meet the ground.
Growing into yourself means growing from the inside and expressing what you find — it’s not a retraction, not a contraction.
It’s an attraction.
Immerse and absorb yourself in the essence of the moment; the such-ness of the silence beneath the layers of thought.
This is where it’s all happening. There is nothing of substance in the realm of ideas.
You, this, here, now, is the substance— the aliveness-energy-creation-spark that ideas seek out.
Potential seeks to actualise itself through you. You, with a body rich in presence.
Presence is currency.
Connection is wealth.
Know this, and know thyself.