Untrappable Trust

You don’t need to think your way out of this box you find (lose) yourself in. The way out isn’t important, because you aren’t stuck. You just think you are. Breathe, relax, allow the experience to meet and pass through you. Your body is an alchemical conduit which produces the perfect antigen for whatever it meets. It fights by harmonising, listening, learning, eliminating (expression) and all that is required is deep trust. Though, this is not the psychology of “normal”. It has become normal to doubt. To doubt hard, doubt often and doubt early. And when we doubt, we add layers of complication to what is already complex enough without our mental meddling. Trust. Often. Trust in your insides. Trust that what you are feeling is the medicine your innermost essence is creating in order to remember another degree of untethered freedom. To remember you are already in the garden of Eden.


Know Her; Know Nature


Being is giving