Exploring the Dark Corners of the Mind + Ribcage
Part 1: Movement — Diaphragmatic Breathing in Hang with Jaw/Face Stretch
Watch time: 43 whole seconds
Why: midline control, ribcage mobilisation, overhead mobility, breathing feels good.
And stretching your jaw in public like an jaguar is main-character-energy
For who: someone with tight shoulders, stiff t-spine, feels unstable through core, ribs flare
Someone who needs to experience the joy of stretching their face more often, with zero concern for how that looks 👹
Part 2: Insight — Explore the Dark Corners of Your Mind When You Get A Minute
“Yeah okay maybe later” 🤣
Why this? Because the dark corners are what run your life without you knowing. And to the degree that you are afraid of these corners, you’ll miss out on what’s real and beautiful.
I’ll start. My biggest fears are:
My dog suffering, or dying too soon (he is a mirror)
drowning or being killed by a shark
the unknown pain death might bring
abandonment and rejection
Some things I’ve struggled with:
Being satisfied (the tyranny of wanting is more familiar)
Thinking there’s always someone better out there for me (I’m waiting for me, really)
Being honest with myself and therefore others
What about you? You don’t have to share them, but if you do, you’re ballsy, because sharing can be a sign that you’re no longer judging yourself. Bonus points if you don’t add a nice silver lining or “but” followed by boring positive affirmation 😘
If you’re gunna go there, marinate in it.
We all have fears, and personally, I’ve found that honesty with mine has allowed my to actually process them, rather than drag them around as heavy, invisible subconscious elephants in the room
I can’t control my fears, but I can accept them in order to release them, make peace with them or actually deal with them.
It’s a lot like the 7 stages of grief which ultimately lead to rebirth. Radical acceptance and honesty are the first steps in our renewal.
Part 3: Update — I just moved into a beautiful new rental after a solid couple years of not really settling, and I feel like I’ve “made it”
It’s so cute. The level of care the owners have clearly taken for everything in the place has really imbued the pad with warm fuzzies.
I don’t even know if it’s been rented out before. It’s got all the furnishings, cutlery, bed sheets etc etc etc and a little hole cut out of the fence door so Nero can poke his head through and watch passers by.
It’s nice to reflect on the relationships + behaviours that have made this possible, as well as the ones that are still making it harder than it could be.
I’m noticing that it’s actually a lot easier to live a beautiful life than a hard one.
It’s just a different way of living, which can seem scary until you dive in “…by hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it’s a feather bed” as old mate Terence would say.
Announcements / FYI 👇🏼
If you haven’t already implemented the tools in the FREE Baseline Guide, here’s your reminder — this shit works if you practice it. It’s legit. I’ve helped a bunch of people very quickly like this.
Free Guide: https://becomingattuned.notion.site/The-Baseline-Guide-116c3e71c1df45ff88b5d259b4bd15ec?pvs=4
Baseline Coaching Update: after this initial intake, the price is going up a couple thousand aussie dollars and I wont be adding more groups/time slots. Quality > quantity. The most important thing is to bring together a high quality group to create the most transformative experience possible.
Baseline Coaching is only worth your time if:
A. You don’t fuck around when it comes to prioritising your body and mind
B. You’re eager to implement what you learn immediately, with flexible tactics
C. You think in terms of years, not months, and you can afford to spend $3.6k AUD
If that’s you, here’s the info: https://becomingattuned.notion.site/Baseline-Coaching-Info-c2e9dce8c3184f208c3e7c80d1daa553?pvs=4
If that's not you, I'll have some downloadable programs for you later in the year.
Much love,