Lizard Crawls + Tactics Vs Heart Resonance
This week's movement is...
The Lizard Crawl (3 minute video).
The first person who films themselves performing this while making strong, unwavering eye contact with a drunk stranger will receive absolutely nothing, because I can't be responsible for the outcome.
This is a revealing movement in three ways:
It requires co-ordination, because it's a locomotion pattern
It requires attention to detail (spacing of the hands and feet) in order to flow
It requires an intelligent use of body mechanics + strength to perform the harder variations
For these three reasons, it's an incredibly revealing movement - and I love that, because I move to get to know myself, through my body.
Now that doesn't mean the measurable outputs of strength, mobility and conditioning aren't also key focuses.
Because it's having an external focus (to train, change, adapt or create) that ultimately leads us into deeper awareness of our inner world, as we navigate the thoughts and emotions that inevitably come up.
Just because life's hard every now and then doesn't mean you're doing it wrong.
But if it's always hard, maybe there's an opportunity to be flexible and reflect on how you're approaching things.
This week's insight speaks to one of life's beautiful paradoxes; that our worst moments become our unique gifts.
Hundreds of millions of raindrops fall, and not a single drop falls in the wrong place.
And we need to occasionally over-do, over-do or mis-do things in order to circle back to what matters most.
We need injuries, break-ups, deaths and scars. As hard as that is to stomach.
It's life.
So do me a favour. Do us both a favour.
Forgive yourself.
Not for the actions you've taken or the mistakes you've made (they were necessary fuck-ups).
Forgive yourself for the regrets you're still holding onto.
How else would you have really learned that lesson other than through pain?
Sure, there are better ways to learn. But how do we discover these better ways?
By trying, failing, resting a moment and trying again with a little more compassion and a little more tenacity.
The further out you wish to venture into the the reality of life, the more you'll expose yourself to making mistakes, and the further you will have to dig into your own soul.
Never be ashamed of yourself. Don't waste a minute on it.
Just do your very best to heal the wounds you couldn't help but create, and to leave the world more beautiful than you found it.
Ask, "what is life teaching me here?"
Though we humans have learned to look for teachers in shiny places, up high on pedestals, the truth is much more humble.
The teacher is everywhere, speaking to you through everything that touches you.
This week, the teacher was a massive, stressful resistance.
The lesson was to surrender and stop forcing.
How many times will I re-incarnate (we do it every day, it's no big deal)...back into this pattern of force before surrender?
Is it just a natural cycle?
How many times will I abandon myself before I remember how capable I am when I stay here, in my own knowing?
As many as I need, no doubt.
See there are all these tactics in the business and coaching world. A lot of manipulation from a place of fear.
Maybe I'll change my mind on this, but for now...
Tactics are used by people who aren't in their power to take from those who aren't sitting in their own power.
Tactics are for those who aren't yet able to speak from their BALLS.
Yeah, I use them sometimes.
And I always feel a little dirty afterwards.
We're all a little delusional on this planet, but the more we come home to ourselves and what matters, the more we just know what to do without needing to ask anyone.
But there has to be a willingness to feel and to be exposed, in order to access this
That exposure? That skin in the game? That risk that comes with originality?
That's fucking gangster.
It comes from honesty. Heart. Devotion to loving service. Willingness to hurt.
Gurus (in the bastardised modern understanding) position themselves above and between you and your power.
Real motherfuckers position themselves beside you, with a hand on your shoulder, showing you that you are the solution.
Their tactic is to actually help. They ask good questions, and lead you back to yourself.
In a fast-moving world, tactics are slow, and resonance is fast as fuck.
How do you know if you're being tactical or being heartfelt?
Don't you dare ask me.
Sit and answer yourself.