Love, Friendship + Unlocking Your Nervous System

Movement of the Week: 8 Min Breathing Mini Series

Breathing well, repeatedly, can literally unlock new levels for your life.

It's a slow burn, as you habitually become more breath-aware...

But I am not exaggerating.
When your diaphragm functions well and your ribs are free to move with you, life's most basic needs are met more joyfully.

Oxygenating feels good. Exhales feel juicier. Your voice will change - smoother with more of a full-bodied resonance rather than a throaty tension.

You just cannot imagine how good you'll feel.
You gotta dive in for a few years!

More and more ease.
More and more at home in your body.
More and more connected to the atmosphere around you.

Check out this little tutorial to dive into one key aspect: managing intra abdominal pressure via diaphragmatic breathing.

Key benefits: more spinal stability, a stronger diaphragm and a feeling of "belly consciousness" with less muscular tension.

Insight: how would love move?

If you’re the kind of person with a keen eye for detail, and a strong intention to grow, then you’re probably also very aware of your limitations.

And sometimes being so aware — so much of the time — of where you could improve, prevents you from fully soaking in the simple pleasure of being alive.

You know what you could be — and you want to evolve.

But this kind of awareness has a certain uncomfortable tension to it beacuse it limits your fullest expression of yourself.
And sometimes the answer isn’t to focus on the limiting factor (even if that does work great at other times).

So let’s try something different...

How's your body doing?
Feel into your heart and belly.

Take some slow, full breaths.
Soften your skin.

Maybe you haven’t done this for a while. Maybe it feels like a lot.

Let your muscles melt from your bones.

There’s a saying… “Tension is who you think you should be. Release is who you are”.

I believe it's true.

To the degree that you release having to be a certain way, you’ll be able to let love in.
Literally, excessive physical tension does not allow us to access deeper states of love.

And love isn't airy fairy... Love is Efficient.

It’s straight to the point.
Powerfully and kindly so.
It solves just about any problem — way faster than analysis could.

Sit with these questions for a few breaths each...

What does love feel like physically?

How would love move?

How would love breathe?

How would love speak?

How would love feel pain?

How would love live your life?

That’s the insight - it’s a leaning in to love.

Highlights: Chats with Jesse

This week I bumped into Jesse, a past client, wise warm soul and now mate.

We had a great chat about relationship dynamics. He said he’s found a specific question to be useful when getting to know someone romantically.

“How’s your relationship with your father/mother?”

I think that can often be a good predictor of the patterns we’ll have to navigate with a potential partner.

Then we talked about our best mates. The ones who would legitimately put themselves on the line to help us if “shit went down”. A lot of people say they will, but won’t. And not that any of us look for trouble… but it’s good to know who will support you if trouble finds you.

I’m blessed (and also highly intentional) to have solid male friends — brothers - with openness and potency at the same time. Guys with real drive and a straight-down-the-line honesty about them.

If you want these people in your life, focus 90% of your energy on becoming one of them. And 10% on putting yourself in a position where more good eggs will find you.


Planting Seeds + Stacking Ribs


This Movement Will Change Your Personality