This Movement Will Change Your Personality
This week’s movement: Back Bend + Twist Series
This one has really helped me re-connect my body from feet to hands. It can be humbling when you insist on not just going through the motions, but giving it your all. But that’s the point… because we’re only as strong as our weak links.
Some other benefits:
1. A more open-hearted, tall posture and the emotional openness and confidence that follows
2. Move like Keanu Reeves in the matrix as he dodges bullets - balanced and co-ordinated
3. Generate elegant whip-like power (throwing, tennis etc) through the entire anterior chain
Someone who can do this well probably has a high level of access to their nervous system. And I think that’s badass.
This week’s insight: “Normal” is relative to who you hang out with
It’s super important to notice how the people you hang with are influencing your worldview. Your worldview centres around the things you notice most about the world.
So for context, I don’t focus on objective truths because it’s so so hard to know what’s objectively true. But we generally can see whether our beliefs are helpful or unhelpful within a given context. So we’re just humans having a subjective experience, and we all have biases. And our biases come from our context. We’ve all had different lives.
But what matters most is how helpful our biases are.
Do they help us live the lives we want to live? Do they help us connect more deeply with others? Are they helping us access better choices?
Example: I believe that if I truly want to achieve something, I will. Because in my experience, that’s been true. And even when I feel inadequate, I know my friends have got my back. So those are my reasons to be confident.
And if you hang out with me, you probably share this belief. We’re probably constantly noticing and re-affirming that it’s true, via our actions and our reflections on those actions.
This might not be true for everyone… Hell, maybe it’s not even true all the time for me! BUT believing this seems to be serving me well, so I invest in this belief.
That’s a bias. I invest in my biases until they no longer work.
I work with what I know, until a glaring hole appears. Then I have a little ego death and re-evaluate, haha!
Something to think/chat/write about:
- What biases do your friends have?
- What do their actions say about what they value most?
- Who are you likely to become if you continue to hang out with them often?
This week’s highlights / update:
I’ve experienced a massive correlation between how socially and creatively open I feel, and how much back-bending I’ve been doing (I’m just realising this as I reflect right now)
2. I’ve been creating, working, moving in collaborative group settings WAY more often than I ever have, which has been so energising and fulfilling compared to my old “lone wolf” tendencies
I’ve seen a correlation between eating more sugar and getting sunburnt more than usual, and this has been confirmed by my friends too (Liz Gleadle coined the term the sunscreen diet which looks a little more like keto, or high natural fats, high protein, fruit and cutting down hugely on anything artificial/refined).
I’ve had a couple of programs in the works for a while and old me would be disappointed that I hadn't got them out to you guys yet. But the last few weeks hanging out with Liz (@javelizz) and Andy (@heyandywhite) has got so me high on life, and I feel much more connected now, to the why behind what I do.
So I can't wait to share these programs / opportunities with you very soon. They’re full of soul. I hope you’ll experience the same joy in absorbing them that I’ve had in creating them.
Much love,