Raise Ya Farking Baseline, M8

This Week's Movement Focus

Topic: Managing Intra Abdominal Pressure + Building A Supple, Strong Spine

Watch time: 8 minutes

Relevance / Problem: Too many of us lack control over certain segments of our spine, which means we get excessive wear and tear on other segments and miss out on being supple, strong and sexy as fuck. I want to have erectors like pythons, an ass like a sprinter and the spinal control of a high end male stripper... what about you? Sure there are a bunch of deeper health benefits like increased space for healthy innervation of vital organs, but who cares about that stuff right? Hahaha.

Suggested prerequisites: By all means go and try the Swiss Ball version straight away. It's pretty accessible. BUT I would really pay attention to the video intro on breathing and pressure management. It might not seem so sexy, but it's an absolute non-negotiable foundation to master for more reasons than just the physical (that's for another e-mail, or maybe a poddy).

What you may feel: This movement will absolutely FIRE up your hip extension and light up every segment of the spine from tail to crown. It's not easy to do well - meaning, to do with absolute pinpoint focus on the vertebra you're trying to move. If you experience pain during this movement, regress the loading or ROM to the point where it's no more than a workable, curious discomfort. You probably just need to spend more time on the prerequisites.

Okay, go!

This Week's Insight

Honestly there are no rules in life.

Other than "treat others how you'd like to be treated" the rest is pretty optional, in my eyes.

This means you should walk, talk, create, love, work, play, train and sleep exactly however the fuck you want to.

Too many of us live our lives as if some thought-overlord is somehow going to swoop down from the aether and slap us on the hand for doing it wrong.

That day never arrives.


Life is a bird song.

So don't become a tyrannical party-pooper to yourself.

Just be honest. What do you really want? What if you could have it all?

It's insane not to dare to try.

And in my experience, embracing this way of being has felt like unzipping the sky and being filled with life.

Update... BIG Update! Yeeew.

It's time to spill the beans.

Months ago I made noises about creating an online platform.

I also made noises about a program called "The Floating Spine" which many of you inquired about.

Then I went quiet because I had life stuff to deal with (last e-mail went into that).

Anyway, there were a few reasons why I really wanted to create these things:

  • I cant work with everyone one to one, nor can you all afford 1-1 coaching
    ...but I still love chatting to you guys and have been listening to what you need help with

  • I needed a more sustainable business model to enable me to keep up-skilling and enjoying my life, because if I'm run-down and not prioritising myself then I'm not walking the walk, which is totally dishonest

  • I had a bitch of a journey with lower back pain when I was younger, which I resolved... and a ton of other nagging aches and injuries too (also resolved)... and realised recently just how much of this knowledge I was unintentionally hoarding by not sharing the fundamental tools and perspectives that helped me heal, and then totally evolve.

So fast forward to now and I've created an offering which distills all of the best bits into a simple system.

And it's going to absolutely RAISE THE BASELINE on the way you experience your body.

Check it out here: https://attuned.space/baseline

Until next week, fam.


Why Rushing Is Actually Lazy


An Update From The Heart