A Secret About 19 Year Old Me

Movement of the week:

The Power Snatch + The Snatch Pull

In another life I trained 6 days a week, 2 hours a day in the sport of olympic weightlifting.

19 year old me would love heading into uni in the morning, attend a couple classes, go train (yes, in tights), then absolutely murder jumbo sized butter chicken curries from the Melbourne Uni canteen.

Usually I'd then fight to remain conscious as the rice / naan bread coma hit me mid-lecture. There was this one philosophy professor who would reliably send me to the twilight zone with his monotone voice. God forbid you had to listen to a recording. Good luck.

The dude would have made more money selling sleep meditations.

Ahhh, those were the days. I don't really train the lifts anymore but every now and then I like to check in and make sure I can still snatch bodyweight (humble? brag)

ANYHOW if you're keen to give it a go... here's a 5 minute tutorial!

Insight of the week

Just because you can, doesn't mean you have to.

Don't spend your life trying to prove yourself to others.

Create a life you actually want to see through.

(Man... I feel personally attacked by this week's insight)

What I’ve been doing

I've been really enjoying the process of moving outside.
No equipment, no music, just me and the world.
Sometimes by the beach near a foot path... and sometimes in a park.

If you were watching, you'd see what looks like qi-gong (and is... but my version).
An intuitive practice which starts with a grounded, slightly sunken standing posture.
From a strong base and long spine, small, fluid, circular or swirling movements of the limbs start to grow into bigger patterns.

I go whatever direction my body (or curiosity) takes me.
I'm looking for the feeling of "moving like this is making me better at everything".

Getting to know myself.

Feeling into my breath and senses when my mind wonders.
Feeling for softness and suppleness when I notice rigidity or excess effort.
Seeking alignments and connections that feel efficient and fun, when I'm disconnected or getting in my own way.

I think my mental cages are softening a little.
Self-judgements disguised as "what will people think of me?" are starting to melt away because moving like this is becoming habit.

But maybe I'm still just as self-conscious and simply moving better now!?

Ah, who cares. It feels good!


By the way, there are some coaching opportunities coming up that I wanted to tell you guys about first. Intake is open for the next 2 weeks then may not open again for a few months. Here's all the info: https://attuned.space/baseline


Kipping, Priority Matrix + Daily Rhythms


Meditative Spinal Work + Escaping Exhaustion